About the blog

ICENERVESHATTER is Lou Brailsford’s blog, with a focus on politics, energy and climate change.

I have been working on energy and climate change policy, research and advocacy for almost a decade. I have held a range of roles in research and advocacy organisations, including environmental NGOs, industry organisations and political offices.

I am passionate about both the energy sector and politics, and it is my hope that this blog will be a resource for others who want to learn more about these topics but are perhaps intimidated by its complexity. Getting a handle on energy jargon in particular is almost like learning a second language.

This blog is not primarily intended for the experts (although hopefully you may also learn a thing or two!). Rather, I write posts assuming that the reader is intelligent but otherwise not very familiar with the topic. I avoid jargon as much as possible.

Posts can generally be divided into two categories: high level overviews (eg. the Queensland coal industry or American politics) or deep dives into a very specific topic (eg. political polling in a particular state).

I generally try (and often fail) to limit posts to 1,000-1,500 words – that means you can read them in 10-15 minutes and prevents me spending hours writing them. I always include links to other resources in my posts.

Feedback is always welcome. If there is a topic you would like me to look at or you think I am wrong about something (it happens), add a comment to the end of the post. Enjoy!